# Day-to-day usage

After you have logged in to Snapshot for the first time, all relevant forms will be downloaded offline and you are ready to begin using the app. The following are some brief tips to help streamline your usage of Snapshot.

# Submit reports everyday

Snapshot expects at least one position report to be filed each day. You will see errors in the app if a report is missed.

# Ensure report accuracy

While it is possible to amend reports in Snapshot, please take your time while entering data, and check it is correct before submitting. We have implemented validation to try and prevent user error where possible, but certain types of error may still slip through.

By carefully submitting reports both the Master's and Office workers' time is saved in the long run.

# Keep Snapshot open in a browser tab

Once you have opened Snapshot in a tab there is no reason to close it. Snapshot checks in the background for updates and will show you a pop when one is available.

While closing Snapshot will cause no harm, we recommend leaving it open so everything is there as soon as you need it.

# Only log out if you really need to

Logging out then in forces Snapshot to re-download your previous submissions and forms. There is no need to log out of Snapshot unless you have security concerns, or you are experiencing issues (See Torubleshooting)